Sparking the experience of hope creates a hopeful feeling in the present moment. It makes use of the contextual dimension of hope, acknowledging that people who are unable to find hope in one context may be able to connect with it in another. It also helps identify what hope feels like or looks like to each individual. This process draws on teachers’ and students’ previous experiences of hope and their ability to imagine hope in the future. 

How can I create that hopeful feeling?

Activity Grade/Division of Lesson Plans
Sensory/Object Cues Orienting to Hope
Thematic Cues
Symbols of Hope All, All
Hope Kits Div 1, All
Hope Collage Div 1, All
Hope Walk All
Hope Photos
My Hopeful Bento Box
Strength Cards All
Hopeful Soundtrack Div 2/3/4
Letter of Gratitude

For more information about the lessons and activities, feel free to contact us at